Inglewood campus takes on mental wellness

"Our Own" may look like your neighborhood wellness center or spa, but it's not.

It's a club at a high school in Inglewood, that originally started to give students a space during the COVID-19 pandemic. Funded in part by a grant the non-profit received from LA's Super Bowl host committee for Super Bowl LVI, "Our Own" approached Inglewood's Crozier Middle School campus, where they opened the wellness space and program.

Co-founders of "Our Own" Lee Johnson and Dustin Young are former social workers. But they now call themselves social entrepreneurs and cultural producers. The two work to provide educational resources and healthy food to local communities around LA.

"Our Own" describes itself as dismantling "systemic barriers in education, nutrition, health & wellness, entrepreneurship, and employment pathways to further bridge the gap and ensure racial equity and social justice."

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The wellness center gives students the chance to take a break in between classes. It's a space to unwind, reset and give their minds that necessary time off to establish a better sense of mental health.